Vertical, Horizontal & Limited Access Drilling

  • Cat crawler for access to soft and / or muddy sites

  • Drilling capability to 200 m and greater.

  • - 25° to +25° angle capability

  • Birdie 250 specialty drill for residential / very limited access

  • Uses clean water instead of drilling mud

Minimal Environmental Impact & Cost Effective

Aardvark uses clean water instead of drilling mud, which allows it to be used to relieve water pressure, while causing minimal environmental damage, and is a cost-effective and proven method for a wide range of applications. The drill can achieve a wide range of angles, making it ideal for construction and tunneling projects

Horizontal Drilling Solutions Since 1984

Mobile Aardvark Drill Inc.® has provided horizontal drilling solutions to construction, landslide, and dewatering challenges since 1984. Click on the Case Studies to read about typical Aardvark projects. For further information on how Mobile Aardvark Drill Inc.® can help your next vertical and horizontal drilling project, please contact us.